Say hello to the

30-Day find money challenge

Discover the secrets to financial freedom and uncover forgotten money. Get instant access to a 66-page downloadable PDF guide packed with valuable insights and practical tools. Start your journey towards a brighter financial future today!

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Despite earning a good income, do you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck?

Do you wake up every morning with a sinking feeling, knowing that your bills are due and your bank account is insufficient?

Are you puzzled by the fact that you make a decent amount of money, yet you constantly find yourself in financial struggles?

Do you feel like you should be financially secure, but you're constantly searching for a solution to your ongoing financial challenges?

If you nodded along to any of these scenarios, then you're not alone. Many individuals find themselves in similar circumstances, wondering why their financial situation doesn't align with their expectations.


In fact, my journey toward financial peace of mind began with a similar experience. After successfully getting myself out of debt, life threw me another unexpected challenge when I inherited my mother's debt after her passing. It was a pivotal moment for me, and it ignited a deep passion within me to empower every mother to break free from the shackles of debt and leave a lasting financial legacy for themselves AND their children, rather than burdening them with financial struggles.

That's why I'm excited to share with you my transformative 30-Day Find Money Challenge, which has helped countless individuals uncover hidden money leaks and take significant steps toward their financial goals. Inside this comprehensive 66-page downloadable PDF, I reveal the exact strategies and methods I used to climb my way out of six figures of debt without having to take on multiple jobs. And it all starts with identifying and plugging those money leaks.

who made it a rule…

Financial peace of mind has to be HARD? 


What if that is just not true?

But here's the truth: It's not your fault.

The current financial landscape is complex and overwhelming. It's easy to get caught up in the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, despite our best efforts. However, the good news is that there is always a way out. There are strategies and solutions that can help you break free from this pattern and achieve the financial stability you deserve.

Are you getting excited yet?


30-Day find money challenge

This challenge is not just about finding spare change under the couch cushions or cutting back on lattes. It's about shifting your mindset, understanding your financial landscape, and implementing practical steps that will make a real difference in your financial journey. Each day of the challenge will bring you closer to financial freedom and provide you with the tools you need to build a solid foundation for your financial future.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside



recurring charges

We'll take a deep dive into understanding the various types of recurring charges that can sneakily accumulate over time. From subscription services and memberships to automatic bill payments and unused subscriptions, we'll uncover the common culprits that may be draining your bank account without you even realizing it.


But fear not! This section isn't just about identifying the problem. We'll equip you with practical strategies and actionable tips to wrangle these recurring charges and plug the money leaks.



Insurance is a powerful tool that provides protection and peace of mind in times of uncertainty. However, navigating the complex world of insurance can be overwhelming, and many people find themselves either underinsured or paying more than necessary for coverage. In this section, we'll dive deep into the realm of insurance and empower you to make informed decisions that maximize your coverage while minimizing costs.



Food is an essential part of our lives, providing nourishment, pleasure, and sustenance. However, it's easy for our relationship with food to become unbalanced, leading to overspending, wastefulness, and unhealthy eating habits. In this section, we'll explore how to revolutionize your relationship with food, ensuring that you nourish your body while also saving money.


credit cards

Credit cards can be powerful financial tools when used responsibly. Contrary to the notion of cutting up credit cards, I believe in harnessing their benefits while maintaining financial discipline. In this section, we'll explore how to use credit cards wisely, ensuring you enjoy the perks and rewards without falling into the trap of debt and interest charges.

There is so much I can't even list it all…


Did you know that there could be unclaimed money waiting for you? 
—it's true.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.

You’ll learn...


Discover what money leaks are and why they can quickly drain your bank account. Learn effective strategies to identify and eliminate these leaks, allowing you to keep more money in your pocket.


Learn how to avoid forgotten subscriptions or services that can accumulate over time, and gain control over your finances.


Explore the significance of planning your spending before actually spending to ensure that your money is aligned with your priorities and financial goals.


Discover ways to potentially earn extra money without making significant changes to your current lifestyle.


Learn about the concept of zero-based planning, where every dollar has a purpose. Discover how this approach can help you make intentional financial decisions and allocate your resources effectively.


Understand the importance of celebrating milestones and achievements along your financial journey. Learn how to acknowledge your progress, stay motivated, and reward yourself for reaching any milestones.

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

The kind of knowledge contained in this eBook can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to give you education that actually works—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the 30-Day Find Money Challenge e-book for only…


Reg. $14.99

MEET THE CREATOR—jennie eberts

I can vividly remember the feeling of rushing home, desperately trying to grab the mail before my husband got home, hoping to hide any past-due notices. Trust me, I've been exactly where you are right now, and I understand the stress and anxiety it can bring. .

Despite achieving numerous professional accomplishments, including earning an accounting degree, a CPA license, and an MBA in Accounting, I found myself still burdened with debt. I had made purchases beyond my means, seeking temporary relief through shopping. However, it was a pivotal moment in 2008 when my mother suddenly passed away at the age of 58, and I became responsible for managing her financial affairs.

The experience of navigating through the complexities of managing her debts and probate forced me to confront my own past struggles with debt and reevaluate my relationship with money. It was during this process that I truly grasped the importance of having a financial safety net and the peace of mind that comes with financial stability. Although I have made significant progress on my own journey, I remain acutely aware of the challenges that many mothers face daily when it comes to their finances. It is this deep empathy that fuels my commitment to helping others break free from the shackles of debt and create a life of financial peace and security.

I am on a mission to empower as many individuals as possible to overcome their financial struggles and build a solid financial foundation. I firmly believe that every person deserves to live a life free from the burden of debt and leave a lasting financial legacy for their children. Through my work, I aim to provide guidance, support, and proven strategies to help others achieve their financial goals and experience the freedom and empowerment that comes with financial success.

I am passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of others, and I am dedicated to sharing the lessons I've learned and the strategies that have transformed my own financial situation. Together, let us embark on this journey towards financial freedom and create a future filled with abundance and opportunity.


The time has come to level up your financial game and take control of your financial future!