Say hello to the

EmpowerHer Financial Academy: 

Kickstart a 5-Week Journey to Financial Freedom

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Do you find yourself constantly stressed about finances, wondering how others seem to have it all figured out?

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get a handle on your financial situation, but you know there must be a way to break free from the cycle of stress and uncertainty?

Is the pressure of juggling work, family, and financial responsibilities weighing you down, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stuck?

Do you feel discouraged after spending countless hours and money on guides, courses, and advice, only to see little to no improvement in your financial health?


That’s why I spent years experimenting, learning, and refining my approach until I finally developed a concrete process that works. And now, for the first time ever, I’m sharing this proven strategy with you in the EmpowerHer Financial Academy: a comprehensive 5-week journey designed to transform your financial future.

Repeat after me

❤️You are capable.

❤️You have the power to take control of your finances.

❤️You are deserving of financial freedom.

❤️You can—and will—achieve the financial stability you need to build the life you dream of.

It starts with the right mindset, strategies, and support.

This isn’t about just managing money; it’s about creating a financial plan that empowers you. In the EmpowerHer Financial Academy, I’ll share my proven methods for understanding your financial landscape, making informed decisions, and maximizing your resources so you can achieve true financial freedom and build the life you desire.

Are you getting excited yet?


EmpowerHer Financial Academy

My comprehensive program to kickstart your journey towards achieving true financial freedom!


Let’s take a look at what’s inside


week 1

Setting the Foundation

Discover a revolutionary approach to managing your income that ensures every dollar has a purpose. Learn why this method stands out from traditional budgeting techniques and how it can lead to more intentional and effective financial management.

Week 2

Optimizing Your Energy

Learn how to combat decision fatigue and make more thoughtful financial choices by conserving mental energy. Discover strategies that lead to better financial decisions, especially for busy moms.

Week 3

Money Awareness

Become the detective and gain profound awareness. This week is all about a transformative experiment that will provide some of the greatest insights I can possibly gift you.

Week 4

Pause/reflect Week – Because Life Happens

As a mom, I understand how unexpected things can come up. That’s why I’ve built in a catch-up week just for you. But fear not, even during this week, I have a fun adventure planned that will deepen your awareness even further.

Week 5

Review and Dream Planning

By this time, you will have full awareness of your financial situation and a clear path of steps to take next. We will consolidate everything learned and start exploring your long-term financial dreams and objectives. You made it! You are so much further along than you were when we started. Pause, celebrate, and get ready to set the stage for ongoing financial success.


🐷 61% (3 out of every 5) Americans are in debt?

🐷 In fact, 63% say they can't cover a $500 emergency if it happened tomorrow.

🐷 AND, 48% of Americans depend on credit for essential living expenses.


If this is the norm, I want nothing to do with it. And because you're here, I'm betting you feel the same.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, manageable steps.

You’ll learn how to...

Confidently embrace taking control of your finances without any hesitation.


Design a financial plan that works for you and only you.


Know exactly how to maximize your income.


Never sit in limbo, overwhelmed by financial decisions.


Streamline your financial management with limited time.


Achieve financial stability and peace of mind, knowing you’re on the path to financial freedom.

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

The kind of knowledge contained in this academy can cost thousands depending on where you’re learning from. But my commitment to you is not only to provide education that actually works—it’s to offer it at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why, for a limited time only, I’m offering the EmpowerHer Financial Academy at an exclusive discount with the code SHELBY until 6/14.


Reg. $397

Limited time only free bonus

4-Bonus Calls Starting June 5


Wait, there’s more? That’s right friend

In addition to the comprehensive EmpowerHer Financial Academy, I’m also including a special bonus just for you.

When you take advantage of the early bird discount, you'll gain access to 4 exclusive bonus calls starting June 5th. That’s 2 months of empowerment and personalized guidance.

Over these bonus weeks, I'll share exclusive tips and tricks that I usually reserve for my clients, making our time together incredibly valuable.

Embarking on this transformational money coaching program is a bold first step towards financial empowerment, and I'm thrilled to guide you along this journey.

Together, we'll work on cultivating an abundance mindset, uncovering forgotten funds, and building a supportive community with other women who are on the same path.

Remember, you are not alone. With this community and my guidance, we'll achieve your goals faster than you could on your own.

Here's what you can expect during our bonus sessions:

Week 1: We'll dive in and start looking for money. This straightforward task can be done during our call, and I'll provide you with all the details you need. You'll be amazed at how easy it is—and it's a technique you can use every year!

Week 2: I'll reveal the most expensive 'vehicle' to operate in 2024—and it's not your car! Get ready for practical tips to save money on regular expenses without sacrificing anything.

Week 3: Discover a strategy to stretch your money further. We'll discuss how to implement this system, potentially even automating it to suit your needs. This change will enhance your financial awareness dramatically.

Week 4: We'll focus on identifying and plugging money leaks. I'll share insights into common leaks many overlook, and we'll tackle these during our session.

Frequency: Every Wednesday in June
Time: 1 hour starting at 3:30 PM CST
Location: Zoom

A $397 value—yours today FREE when you join the EmpowerHer Financial Academy with the early bird discount (SHELBY)!


There’s no greater feeling of financial defeat than working tirelessly to manage your money, trying different strategies, and then seeing no improvement. No one knows this feeling more than me.

I know how moms are superheroes, juggling the daily demands of raising children, paying bills, fixing the toilet, and everything else!

To be a bit vulnerable with you… Despite over six-figures in my bank account now, I carried a secret burden in my 20s. Even though I achieved so much professionally—earning an accounting degree, CPA license, and MBA, and overseeing financials for large corporations—I struggled with debt. I made mistakes, buying things I couldn't afford, seeking temporary relief from shopping.

One day, I hit rock bottom and had to face the truth. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t pay all the bills. I had to come clean with my secret. The conversation with my husband was heart-wrenching, but necessary. Together, we slowly crawled out of the hole I had put us in. It was a painful journey, but it taught me that having money in the bank was far more precious than the temporary high of impulsive spending.

Then in 2008, my world shattered when my mother passed away suddenly, leaving behind a mound of debt for me to deal with. I remember standing in the ICU, surrounded by grieving family members and medical staff, and being handed that piece of paper to sign. Everyone's eyes were on me, but inside I was filled with fear and anger. How was I going to tell my husband we were in debt again?

In that moment, I realized that our debts don't just vanish when we pass away; they become a burden for our loved ones to bear. It was a brutal wake-up call that shook me to my core. If we hadn't taken control of our finances when we did, we might have ended up filing for bankruptcy.

The grief of losing my mother was compounded by the overwhelming burden of her debt. It was another painful lesson that ignited my determination to free others from the cycle of debt.

I have been a CPA since 2002. In 2011, we opened our own business and by 2013, I was able to leave my corporate job. Now, I want to help YOU attain your goals as a CPA turned Rebel Money Coach.

My accounting experience has taught me how to help you take control of your financial future. My training as a certified Life Coach will show you how to create the life you want, with renewed confidence and determination.

The struggles in my 20s and the moments in the ICU are vivid memories that fuel my passion to empower mothers to take control of their finances and create a legacy of financial stability for themselves and their families. I know firsthand the pain of drowning in debt and the freedom that comes with conquering it.


It’s time to take control of your financial future and create the life you deserve.